Home Flooding

5 Emergency Steps To Take After Home Flooding

If you are at home wondering, “My house flooded, who do I call?” it’s ok, you aren’t alone. We’ll walk you through what you need to do to fix home flooding and get your life back to normal. A flooded home can cause permanent water damage unless you deal with the problem quickly. Untreated water damage also turns into mold damage, which can be hazardous to your health. Water damage restoration companies specialize in fixing flood damage for homeowners.

What to do When your House Floods from Rain

If you are in a home flooding from rain you can try to give the water a clear drainage path away from the house. Your gutters may be clogged, causing water to pool around the house. It could also be that the drainage paths around the outside of your house are no longer functional. Either way, there may not be much you can do about it during a storm. Stay inside and run a sump pump if conditions allow for it.

What to do if your House Floods During a Hurricane

If your house floods during a hurricane your primary concern is getting to safety. Keep your doors and windows closed, and shore them up as much as possible. Have an escape plan in place to exit your house from an upper level if necessary.

5 Emergency Steps To Take After Home Flooding

Regardless of the water’s source, here are five emergency steps you can take to deal with home flooding to minimize your water damage:

  1. Turn off the electricity. Use your circuit breaker to switch off the power. Water and electricity don’t mix and there is a real risk of electrocution. Do this before you do anything else.
  2. If possible, turn off the water. If your house flooded, burst pipes may be the culprit. If so, use your shut-off valve to turn off the water. If you are in a house flooding from rain or a hurricane you can’t stop the water, so just get to safety.
  3. Remove your valuables. Be sure to take any valuables with you as you move out of the area. Anything you can get away from the water might avoid damage. Do not put yourself at risk though. If the water is fast-moving just get to safety.
  4. Call your insurance company. Once you have shut off the water or the storm has passed, be sure to call your insurance agent. If you have flood insurance, this will be the first step to restoration. Your insurance policy may pay for the flood repairs.
  5. Call a home restoration company. Home restoration companies work alongside the property owners and insurance companies. They will be the ones to dry out your home and repair the flood damage.

House Flooded: How to Dry Out Your Belongings

If you are working with a home restoration company, drying out your belongings can be as simple as making a phone call. They will come in, pump out the water, and thoroughly dry the area using specialized fans and heaters to prevent mold. In the meantime, you may wish to open up doors and windows to allow for greater air circulation. You can remove and discard any items which are too badly damaged to recover. Be sure to take photographs for your insurance company.

J&R Restoration is equipped to deal with home flooding and will work with you and your insurance company to provide water damage restoration. Whether you have a small flood in-house, or a flood big enough to cause structural damage, we can help. Give us a call at (561) 674-2332 or schedule a free visual inspection of the damage.